• March 18, 2025, 5:57 am

Re-excavation of 5 beels, 27 ponds nearing completion in Gaibandha

Update : Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The re-excavation work of 5 beels and 27 khas and institutional ponds of the district is nearing completion.

Department of Fisheries under the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock is implementing the work under Enhancement of Fish Production Through Restoration of Water Bodies Project involving TK 3.25 crore while the government of Bangladesh is proving the fund.

The objectives of the re-excavation work of the beels are to remove the stagnant water from the beels during the rainy season, to increase the production of indigenous fishes, to create employment opportunities among the fishermen allthe year round, to protect the biodiversity and help the farmers grow various agri crops through using the water of the beels as irrigation to achieve sustainable food security side by side with improving the livelihood of the poor and marginalized communities.

On the other hand, the purpose of the re-excavation of the ponds is to meet the demand of protein through increasing fish production at farmers’ level.

Deputy commissioner (DC) Abdul Matin said due to siltation and gradual encroachment, the beels almost dried up. As a result, the beels became degraded and lost its wetland characteristics and leaving the landless poor excluded from accessing benefits of the beels.

With the re-excavation of the beels, the local people would get more benefit from the beels, the DC continued.

District fisheries officer Abdud Dayan Dulu said the re-excavation of the beelswould bring about a radical change in the fisheries and agriculture sectors through enhancing agri crops and fish production.

With the re-excavating of the ponds, employment generation would create among the unemployed youths of the district, he added.

After ending the re-excavation work, the dressing work has been continuing in the beels and the ponds, he concluded.

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