Potters have been struggling for survival in Chandidjan village of Garidah union under Sherpur upazila of Bogra district. There was a time when earthenware was valued in the countryside. But with the touch of modernity, the soil material is getting lost on the verge of extinction. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person.
In a recent visit, the journslist found that the locality on Wednesday (May 26) at noon, visiting Chandidan (Palpara) village of Garidaha union of Sherpur upazila of Bogura district. We found Babul Kumar Pal busy selling dishes, bowls, pots, pans, jugs, etc.
It is known that a decade and a half ago, the sole occupation of about 200 families in Chandidan Palpara area was to make pottery. They had been living by this profession. Their normal life was going on in this way. But with the touch of modernity, the value of this industry has decreased. As a result, most of the families have left this profession. Now only about 10 families have somehow retained their ancestral profession.
According to the potters, A trolley soil has to be collected from different places.This soil is also bought with money. The price of one trolley of soil is Tk 700/800. They use this soil to make dishes, bowls, dolls, horses and other kinds of products. Products are made in clay through a wheel. Then it is dried in the sun and burnt in the fire at low tide.
The special products are taken out from there and scratched with a paint brush. Small traders from different districts of the country came to purshase them. Many times they sell themselves on the go from village to village with van. Their family lives on whatever income they get. It is known that the government does not provide any kind of assistance to them.
Gokul Kumar Pal, a potter, said that in the past, the value of pottery was much higher in villages. These products could be decorated in every home. In addition, household necessities, dolls, toys, idols, portraits, flower tops and countless other items are still being made to meet the need of buyers. However, with the use of technology and the touch of modernity, it is getting lost day by day.
Another artisan, Sadhan Kumar Pal, said that the work of making goods has come to a standstill in the hand of Corona for one year in a row. Despite being a victim of the existing situation, we did not get any benefit of any kind of incentive.
He added that government patronage is now essential to sustain it. Because, if the government can encourage the pottery group as well as provide financial support, then it is possible to survive in this industry.
Dabir Uddin, chairman of Garidaha Union Parishad (UP), said they used to have difficulty in communicating with the unpaved roads as there were no paved roads and bridges in the past but now a days many of them have been leading their life happily and peacefully.