• March 17, 2025, 2:12 pm

Orange cultivation gains momemtum in Kurigram

Staff Reporter, Kurigram : 306 Time View :
Update : Friday, November 11, 2022

Commercially cultivation of Darjeeling and Sadki variety of Bhutani orange successful in first phase at Phulbariupazila in Kurigram.The villagers are very glad to see such kind of cultivation of local farmer Abu BakarSiddik.

Although with the beginning of orange cultivation some local people remark bad but now he is bringing success as the production of the orange are very satisfactory and profitable.Consequently many of them are very interested to cultivate such kind of variety of orange. Some local people are taking advice and system of cultivation from the farmer Abu Bakar. Meanwhile some youth as well as farmers have been started to cultivate orange.

Meanwhile, the Sujonerkuti village under Bhangamore union of Phulbariupazila is newly  familiar to all for orange cultivation. Now the farmer Abu Bakar is a model in the area for orange cultivation.   Various kinds of juicy orange are seen ripen and half ripen as green and yellow in color in his orchard at present which look very beautiful. The branches of trees are ties with bamboo sticks as he takes care regularly. The people who come from distance places to visit to his eye catching orchard become attract.

The demand of such kind of Darjeeling of West Bengal in India and Sadki variety of Bhutan delicious are demandable in the markets. At first the farmer Abu Bakar begins the cultivation of these varieties of orange.


Abu Bakar went to his relative’s house at Mohesh village of Joshor district four years back. He attracted to see the orange garden in a nursery of one AshrafulAlam there. He also decided there as he will also cultivate these orange. He took advice from owner and orange cultivatorAshrafulAlam.

He purchased 210 saplings of Darjeeling and Sajek variety of orange from that nursery and planted on his 30 decimal of land which distance was every ten feet. He tried hard and soul and took care regularly and at last he saved 135 saplings and the rest were damaged and died.

Per tree bears 70 to 100 orange. The oranges are not only beautiful but also tasty. The orange cultivation is easy. Huge quantities of compost fertilizer may be mixed with few chemical fertilizer which should be applied and after 28 days fruits bear begin. It is expecting that every tree contains with 80-90kgs of oranges in this year.

The owner of the orchard Abu Bakar said there are orange gardens in hilly areas. In addition, the priority of oranges which imported from Darjeeling of India and Bhutan.He said if this orange cultivation spread in the whole country, there will be no need to import orange from foreign countries in future. One upon a time we will able to export orange to foreign countries. At present his oranges which is in the garden after selling and meeting all expenditure 2.00-2.50 lacs taka will his net profit, Abu Baka is expecting.

The villages Musa Miah and Jaher Ali said when Abu Bakar begins to cultivate orange we never believe as orange will never grow in the soil in this region. Many of us neglect and criticized his activities. But Abu Bakar did not pay heed. He took care of those plants regularly and now he succeed in his activities.

Maidul Islam and Zohir Uddin of the area said we also begin for orange cultivation in small area observing the garden of Abu Bakar.The young student Jewel Rana and AshrafulAlam came from Satanipara under adjoining Nageswariupazila said we attract to see the news and picture from face book and came here to visit. We are very happy to see the garden.

Phulbariupazila Agriculture Officer Nilufa Yasmin told that the soil of this upazila is very suitable for lemon variety cultivation. Abu Bakar has shown an example to cultivate orange here. The farmers are being advised to extend cultivate orange commercially in this region.

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