• February 1, 2025, 7:03 am

Maize cultivation gaining popularity in Kurigram

Golam Rabbani Kurigram :: 151 Time View :
Update : Wednesday, March 29, 2023

A total of 16 Rivers including Brahmapuitra ,Dharla, Teesta,Dudkumar, Fulkumar, Gangadhar, Kaligani,Sonavory and Zinzeram are flowing through the district causing  a good number of vast sandy char areas here. The cultivators in the district are cultivating maize in river side as well as these fellow char areas in a large scale every year.

Maize cultivation is gaining popularity and increasing in river side as well as char areas in all the nine upazila in Kurigram, district at present. The farmers are expecting of bumper production in this year due to favorable climatic condition.

Maize is cultivating in all kinds of cultivable land especially river side char areas.Maize is more nutritious than rice and wheat and the demand is more in the market. The production cost is few but profit is more. Consequently, the farmers are very eager to cultivate maize in a large scale which is extending periodically.

While visiting on the spot and found that maize was cultivated in a large scale in a vast char areas at Austormirchar and Nayarhat union under Chilmariupazila which is disconnected with the Brahmaputra River. Maize was cultivated in a large scale at Natarkandi,Datearchar,Kharuvanj,KhamarBashpatari, areas under

Austomircharunion,KaraiBarishal,Shakhahati,Montola,Charuapara,Dhushpara and Gagirpara under Chilmari union and Baravita areas under Raniganj union.At present the cultivated maize plants have been grown up which have been created greed revolution and are drowsing in the air. The farmers are laughing observing and expecting bumper production of maize in this year.

Solaiman Ali a farmer of Baravita area said he has cultivated on his 12 acres of land and he is expecting for bumper production. The cultivation and harvesting will cost at taka 3-4 lacs. The production will around at1000mounds. Per kg will be sold at Tk, 1000-11000 as per quality. He will sale all his produced crops at Tk10 lacs. Deducting his cultivating cost,his net profit will at Tk.6-7 lacs.In addition a good amount of fuel will het from maize.

The eye catching vast maize field was seen in the Dharla river side at Holokhana, Mogolbacha,Jatrapur, Ghogadaha,Bhogdanga and Pachgachi union under Kurigramsadarupazila.TheDudkumar River side at

Kaliganj,Bhitarbaond,Noonkhawa,Ballaverkhas,Kachakata,Narayanpur and Berubari union under Nageswariupazila and Paikerchara,Baldea,Bongosonahat union under Bhurungamariupazila, the Teesta river side at Bazra,Gharealdanga and the Brahmaputra river side char areas at Hatea,Buraburi union and char Bagua areas under Ulipurupazila and Roumari and rajibpuruazila are also disconnected with the Brahmaputra River where maiza was cultivated in the river basin in a large scale.

Farming however has expanded both on the mainland and in char areas that help to improve the livelihoods and living standards of small and marginal farmers, landless and char people living in the river basin areas of the region.

The char farmers of the districts have brought more lands under maize cultivation on the Brahmaputra, Teesta, Dharla, Jamuna, Dudhkumar, Atrai and Ghaghot riverine areas this season. Maize cultivation has helped the char people become economically solvent despite the adverse impact of climate change.

The government provided special incentives, high-yielding varieties of maize seeds and fertilizers to landless, small, marginal and flood-hit farmers to further enhance maize cultivation this time, said local sources.

After getting special incentives, assistance and the latest technologies from the DAE and different NGOs, farmers have expanded maize cultivation using the latest agricultural technologies to get better output and lucrative market prices.

Bumper production is expecting due to favorable climatic condition, applying modern technology, advice to the farmers, supplying best quality seeds and training.

Kurigram Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) official sources said the cultivating target of maize was on 13000 hectares of land with achievement on 12940 hectares of land and on an average the production in per hectare 10.42 metric tons last year and the cultivating target of maize is on 13000 hectares of land with achievement on 4875 hectares of land on an average the production in per hectare 10.44 metric tons in this year.

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