• March 17, 2025, 3:02 pm

Horizon youth of Netrokona took away newly married wife by Helicopter from Kurigram

GolamRabbani,Kurigram :: 190 Time View :
Update : Wednesday, January 18, 2023

One Horizon youth of Netrokonanewly married in Kurigram and fled away by Hecopter at noon on Wednesday. The news has created sensation in the town. Not only this but also it captured the whole video by drone.

The Horizon Pally is very glad following the incident. Earlier such kind of incident was not occurred in Rangpur division, several senior citizens opined. They are being criticized.

When the bride and bridegroom were going by Private Helicopter at noon, a good number of men, women and children of various communities have gathered in Kurigram stadium to see them at a glance.

General Secretary of Horizon CommunityJoykumarBasfor said Sonita Rani 18 3rd daughter of Bhutto LalRabidas of at Kurigram LGED Horizon colony married with ApuBasfor 25 son of Late DilipBasfor of Joynagar Hospital area in Netrokona district at 2.00 am on Tuesday. The bride and bridegroom fled away at noon by Helocopterafter performing all formalities and activities in the morning.

KanchanBasfor,husband of Apu’s sister who lives at Old Railway Station colony near MazidaAdarsha Degree collage in Kurigram town told that the marriage has been settled discussing with both families.The bridegroom works in NetrokonaPatsala Band and also serves a government service as a sweeper.

ApuBasfor told that it was my dream for long that after marriage I will bring my wife in our home by Helicopter.Now my dream has been materialized. I also deposited money for along time for this purpose.My family also helped me. I hired the Helicopter for three hours. It’s fair at taka 80 thousand in per hour, he added.

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