• February 7, 2025, 11:56 am

UNO exchanges greetings with covid-19 patients in Sapaher

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Update : Friday, April 16, 2021

Upazila Nirbahi Officer Abdullah Al Mamun has inquired about the corona patients under  Sapahar upazila in  Naogaon.

After exchanging views with all the worshipers after the Holy  prayers on Friday, he inquired about the patients suffering from corona.

Upazila Nirbahi Officer Abdullah Al Mamun along with  a health worker of Sapahar Upazila Health Complex  Meher Banu searched for Ismail, 60, of Ilimpur village in Tilna Union of the upazila.

Meanwhile, UNO gave fruits to the patients suffering from covid-19. He later visited the Corona Isolation Center at Sapahar Government High School after distributing masks to the public at the Ilimpur junction.

Assistant Commissioner (Land) Sohrab Hossain, Upazila Health and PP Officer Dr Ruhul Amin and other media personnel were present.

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