• March 17, 2025, 12:32 pm

The cultivation of sunflower in Gaibandha is promising

Gaibandha Correspondent: 468 Time View :
Update : Saturday, March 13, 2021

Cultivation of sunflower has started on the high ground of Beradanga village of Kuptala in Gaibandha Sadar upazila. Farmers are expecting bumper yield of this crop. The local agriculture department thinks that the cultivation of sunflower at the farmer level will be further expanded in the district in the future if the oil crop is successful in sunflower cultivation.

Along with various crops, farmers of Beradanga village in Kuptala union of Sadar upazila have started cultivating sunflower for the first time. Farmers have planted it on a small scale in collaboration with the Department of Agricultural Extension. Sunflower planted in November-December can be harvested between April and May. Farmers are expecting the expected yield and desired market price of the produced sunflower. They are expecting more profit from sunflower cultivation than other crops. According to Google, the oil produced from sunflower seeds is healthy and of good quality. The position of sunflower oil is next to olive oil. Sunflower oil will fill the shortage of soybean and mustard edible oil.

Farmer Syed Ali is struggling to cope with the crowd in the sunflower garden. Visitors are destroying flower trees while taking pictures, some are stealing flowers. Being forced to guard the day and night. Hanging signboards, refrain from dropping flowers.

Cultivation of sunflower flowers provides oil, oil and fuel. It is possible to produce at least half a liter of oil per kg of seed. 8 to 10 maunds of seeds are produced per bigha. The minimum market price of a liter of oil is 250 rupees. The disease of this crop is less so the cost per acre of land is 10 to 12 thousand rupees and the produced crop will be sold for 18 to 19 thousand rupees.

Sweet Rani of Laxmipur village of Sadar upazila said, I have come to see the sunflower flower garden. Feeling very good. I took pictures, I have never seen such a garden before. Milon Mia, who went from Gaibandha town to take pictures in the flower garden, said, “Really amazing sunflower flower garden. Each flower is looking up at the sun.

Zahidul Islam, who is in charge of the flower garden, said that every day from morning to afternoon, 150-200 visitors come to see the sunflower flower garden. Walking around the garden, taking pictures. Going again. Some are destroying flowers and trees. Again, many are hiding and tearing flowers.

Sunflower farmer Syed Ali said, the flower will be thiki beech, the beech will be thiki oil. I got the seeds from the agriculture office, that’s why I cultivated this for the first time. He said that it has cost more than 10 to 12 thousand rupees to cultivate sunflower in this first 26th century land.
In this regard, Deputy Director of the Department of Agricultural Extension Md. Masudur Rahman said, “We have cultivated a new crop of sunflower in 500 hectares of land in the district this year.” We will help farmers to sell sunflower seeds. Farmers are inclined to cultivate sunflower due to the use of modern technology and providing advice services to the farmers at the field level. Sunflower cultivation is profitable. I expect more sunflower cultivation in the future.

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