• February 9, 2025, 3:32 am

Media men play role to ensure safe migration: Speakers

Special Correspondent, GAIBANDHA, SEP 11: 237 Time View :
Update : Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Speakers in a function here today unequivocally said the mass media men can play vital role to ensure safe migration for the immigration aspirants and to check human trafficking.

“As the media is called the fourth pillar of the state or government, the media men have the responsibility to make the common people of the society aware about saving them from any kind of detrimental effects. As a part of social corporate responsibility, the journalist can discourage the immigration aspirants to go abroad illegally through publishing reports in their respective media”. They said.

They made the comments while they were exchanging views with the journalists of print and electronic media in a dialogue held at the training center of an NGO at Nashratpur area under Sadarupazila in the district this noon.

GanaUnnayan Kendra (GUK), a local non-government organization, arranged the function under PROSPERITY ((Promoting Resilience, Opportunity and Socio-Economic Empowerment of Migrants /Climate displaced Communities in Bangladesh) Project funded by AWO International and BMZ.

Principal of Technical Training Center (TTC) here Engineer Abdur Rahim addressed the function as the chief guest and district employment generation officer Md. NesarulHaque and senior journalist KM RezaulHaque spoke at the event as the special guests while principal of Gaibandha Govt. College Professor Khalilur Rahman presided over the meeting.

After going abroad in illegal way, the victimized persons are to face various problems including law-relating complexities, they also said.

Not only that the image of the country is also tarnished by the victims, they added.  In addition, the financial condition of the victim is also affected, they further added.

In this context, there is no alternative to creating much awareness among the common people”, they mentioned. More than 20 journalists of print and electronic media attended the function.

Mentionable that GUK is implementing the project at six unions of Sadar and Fulchhariupazilas of the district in cooperation with AWO and BMZ, Sources said.

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