• February 7, 2025, 10:57 am

Mayor Liton inaugurates eye-catching poles in Rajshahi

Abu Hena Mostafa Zaman, Rajshahi: 327 Time View :
Update : Saturday, February 19, 2022

Illumination has been inaugurated on the forlane road from Bihas to Nader Hajbi junction of Rajshahi metropolis.

AHM Khairuzzaman Liton, President of Bangladesh Awami League and Mayor of Rajshahi City Corporation (Rasik) inaugurated the lighting by unveiling the plaque and pressing the switch on Friday evening.

356 state-of-the-art LED bulbs have been installed in 198 eye-catching poles on 4.7 km road at a cost of Taka 5 crore 47 lakhs.

Sophisticated power saving lamps will automatically turn on and off through autologous controllers. In the evening whose light illuminates the surroundings. The metropolis of the night got a unique look. Rajshahi is a model light shining in the country.

During the inauguration, Rasik Mayor Khairuzzaman Liton said that there are such excellent street lights in different cities of developed countries of the world. After the construction of wide roads in Rajshahi like the developed countries, eye-catching poles and sophisticated street lights imported from abroad have been installed.

Rajshahi is the only city in the country to have such a beautiful street light. The safety of pedestrians is increasing due to more light on the roads, as well as the beauty of the city. Such beautiful modern street lights will be installed on other roads of the city in future also. And in this way we are working to build Rajshahi as a beautiful and developed metropolis.

According to the City Corporation, the Rajshahi City Corporation has recently constructed a 6.793 km east-west 4 lane connecting road from Alif Lam Mim Bhatar junction to Chhota Banagram, Meherchandi, Budhpara, Mohanpur rail crossing to Bihas to Rajshahi-Natore road. Footpaths, a bridge, eight culverts, median and traffic structures have been constructed on both sides of the road and a flyover of 327.50 meters length has been constructed.

In the first phase, on December 29, the lighting was inaugurated with 174 state-of-the-art LED bulbs at 87 scenic poles on the 2.5 km road from Alif Lam Mim Bhatar Junction to Nader Hajbir Junction. So that 2 crore 25 lakh taka has been spent.

During the inauguration of the road lighting, a member of the sub-committee on forest and environment affairs of Bangladesh Awami League and member of Rajshahi district Awami League Dr. Anika Fariha Zaman Arna, President of Rasik Water and Power Standing Committee and 25th Ward Councilor Tariqul Alam Paltu, 26th Ward Aktaruzzaman Koel, 29th Ward Councilor Masud Rana, 30th Ward Councilor Shahidul Islam Pintu, Chief Engineer Shariful Islam, Chief Engineer Shariful Islam Engineer (Mechanical) Ahmed Al Moin Parag, Assistant Engineer Asaduzzaman Suite, Deputy Assistant Engineer Asadul Islam Sumon, Executive Engineer (Development) Samsuddin Haider, Deputy Assistant Engineer Tanvir Hasan Sajib, Kamal Parvez and Motihar Thana Awami League Leaders, Rajshahi President Nur Mohammad Siam and other officials were present.

It is to be noted that various street lights of the city have been illuminated before. 348 modern LED bulbs have been installed in 174 eye-catching poles on the 4.2 km road from Kashiadanga junction to Bilsimla rail crossing. The lamps have wings like butterflies. A total of 96 decorative poles and 96 eye-catching LED street lights have been installed on the road from the important suburban junction of the metropolis to Darikharbona, Kadirganj, Mahila College, Sonadighi junction through Malopara police outpost and from Malopara junction to Ranibazar junction. The visually pleasing electric lights are automatically turned on and off by the autologic controller. Besides, the walkway of Padmapar in the area from Barakuthi to Panchabati cremation ground has been illuminated recently.


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