• February 8, 2025, 3:30 am

Fulchhari Thana police conduct beat policing activityat grass root level

Special Correspondent 426 Time View :
Update : Thursday, March 11, 2021

Fulchhari Thana police are conducting beat policing activity to the cross section people of Fulchhari upazila in the district for making it more popular.

Concerned sources said the beat policing activity was introduced in all the unions of the Thana this year aimed at increasing the effectiveness of police service, ensuring quick service provided by the thana police, identifying the crime pattern, and criminals side by side with increasing the police public relationship and preventing crimes.

The activities of Beat policing are to collect intelligence about crimes and criminals, to build public awareness to prevent eve teasing, to promote anti-drugs programmes, provide traing to gate keeper and security guards, to solve social problems through community policing, encourage the community to appoint night guards, and remove the existing fear of people regarding crime and people, sources said.

OC of Fulchhari Thana MD. Kawsar Ali said the system of policing driven by the collaborating efforts of both police and community in order to provide sustainable security to the society is called beat policing.

The whole thana area are divided into 10 beat areas and one sub inspector is assigned to work in each of the beat areas, he also said.

Every beat in-charge uses a government’s authorized mobile number and the number is available to general public, he said adding that. For quick response to the crime spot, the patrol car of that beat area are used to reach that spot, he added.

Every beat police have been arranging ‘uthanbaithok’ regularly at various places of his own beat area for increasing the effectiveness of police service. He further added.

ON Tuesday, the beat policing activity on the prevention of female rape and female oppression was held at Urya union under Fulchhariupazila in the district at the arrangement of union beat policing committee.

Additional police super-B Circle Md. IlilasZiku, addressed the function as the chief guest and  officerincharge of FulchharithanaMd. Kawsar Ali, inspector (investigation) Tazul Islam, Urya union parishad chairman Mahtab Uddin and lecturer Golam Mostafa Kamal Pasha and sub inspector of Police Alam Badhsa.

Raihanul Islam, a media man of the upazila said, for conducting beat polincing activities at grass root level regularly, the people of the upazilahave enabled to know the conceptions of beat policing.

The speakers in their speeches underscored the need for building social movement against female rape and domestic violence to have a better society.

Md. Shah Alam, a media man said, the grass root community people are helping the police maintain peaceful law and order situation in the respective beat areas of the Thana, he said adding that for improving law and order situation in the upazila, the Beat policing is getting popular to the community.

Abdul Hannan, a community man said they were very pleased to see the overall activities of beat policing being conduted by a number of sub inspectors along with police members of the thana.

OC of Fulchhari  Thana, Md. Kawsar Ali in his speeches urged the community men to come forward with positive attitude to halt the female rape incidents  and domestic violence to build a peaceful society.

superintendent of police (SP) Muhammad Towhidul Islam said, the beat policing activities are being conducted in other six upazilas of the district aimed at attaining the cherished goals of the beat policing.

Day by day, it is getting more popular to the grass root community of the District for doing works sincerely by the police officers assigned in the beats I cooperation with local communities., the SP concluded.

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