• March 17, 2025, 12:32 am

Construction work of 6KM road begins in Fulchhari

Update : Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Construction work of 6km road from Fulchhari headquarters to Madnerpara area under Fulchhariupazila in the district has begun today amid much enthusiasm to the locals.

Local lawmaker Mahmud Hasan Ripon formally inaugurated the work through unveiling a plaque this morning as the chief guest and upazilachairman GM SelimParvez was present at the event as the special guest.

Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), would implement the work at the cost of TK 3. 55 crore.

Speaking on the occasion Mahmud Hasan Ripon , MP, said under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina series of development activities are being done in his constituency. In this context, he urged all to vote for boat to elect AwamiLeague as government again to keep the development of the country continued.

Talking to the BSS, executive engineer of LGED Md. Sabiul Islam said the work would be finished by June 30 in 2024, it is expected.

In addition to it, construction work of a bridge has also begun in the upazila this noon at the direct supervision of the LGED, he concluded.

For starting the construction, work of the road and bridge, the enthusiasm and joy has been noticed among the locals.


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