• January 16, 2025, 6:25 pm
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রাজশাহী-৫ (পুঠিয়া-দ‚র্গাপুর) আসনের সাবেক সংসদ সদস্য ডা. মো. মনসুর রহমানের বিরুদ্ধে মামলা করেছে দুর্নীতি দমন কমিশন (দুদক)। জ্ঞাত আয়বহির্ভ‚ত সম্পদ অর্জনের অভিযোগে গত মঙ্গলবার (২৪ ডিসেম্বর) দুদকের সমম্বিত জেলা কার্যালয় Read more...
Some 800kgs of flood tolerance paddy seed have been distributed among 400 farmers at 22 union of 4 upazilas in Kurigram district. Chairman of Jatrapur union council Abdul Gafurhave been
Great Victory Day has been celebrated in Sherpur of Bogura district. Various programs were held throughout the day on Friday with great enthusiasm. The day’s programs were auspiciously started by
International Anti-Corruption Day has been observed by holding various programs in Sherpur of Bogura district.Upazila Executive Officer Sanjida Sultana formally inaugurated the program organized around the day by hoisting the