The Indian Border Security Force (BSF) has fired at a Bangladeshi national in the Telkupi border area of Shibganj upazila in Chapainawabganj. The sound of gunfire was heard at the border at 2:45 am on Friday night, border residents said. At that time, a Bangladeshi youth was injured in the BSF firing.
The injured youth is Mohammad Habil Ali (25), son of the late Bilal Uddin of Telkupi village under Shahbazpur Union of the upazila.
Chairman of Shahbazpur Union Nazmul Haque Rana said, “I heard the sound of something shooting from the border area late at night.” “Although I could not find out anything about it at night, I learned in the morning that a boy named Habil from Telkupi area was injured in BSF firing. However, I do not know why they were staying at the border all night.” he added.
Confirming the matter, Lieutenant Colonel Md Golam Kibria, commander of Mahananda Battalion 59 BGB, said on Saturday about 150 yards from the border pillar 180 of the Telkupi BOP under the responsibility of Mahananda Battalion 59 BGB, 7/8 identified Bangladeshi smugglers tried to enter the country by crossing the Indian border for the purpose of drug smuggling, taking advantage of the dense fog. At that time, members of the Gopalnagar BSF camp of the 119th BSF battalion fired 2-3 rounds at the smugglers. When the BGB patrol team immediately reached the spot after hearing the gunshots, the Bangladeshi smugglers escaped and entered Bangladesh, but Habil was injured. He is currently undergoing treatment at Rajshahi Medical College Hospital.
However, in the wake of this incident, a strong protest was lodged with the BGB-BSF company-level flag meeting, said Captain Golam Kibria.