• February 7, 2025, 10:59 am

Backward char people, ethnic groups in better position: PKSF MD

Update : Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Dr. NomitaHalder, Managing Director (MD)of Palli Karma Sayahak Foundation (PKSF) said the people of the hard to reach chars  and ethnic groups here are in a better position economically than at any time of the past and passing their days without economic hardship.

“This has been made possible by the cordial initiatives of the non-government organizations side by side with taking government’s initiatives”.  Now, Bangladesh is dreaming to build a poverty and hunger free happy and prosperous country by 2030 and Smart Bangladesh by 2041”, she also said.

Dr. Nomita made the comments while she was talking to the journalists during her official visit at Nilkuthi charunder Gozaria union of Fulchhariupazila in the district where a project is  being implemented by a reputed non-government organization SKS Foundation with the financial support of PKSF as the chief guest.

Hearing the advices of the oficials of the project, the char dwellers had established food banks  to pass their critical times during the natural calamities like flood, river erosion without food crisis, she added.

The char farmers are also rearing poultry, goat , cow and producing agro products on their sandy char land in large scale taking technological support from the project and earning economic profit more than any previous time as a result their socio-economic condition has improved more , she further said.

Taking the micro-credit on easy term from the organization, the ethnic communities here have been engaged in income generating activities including handicrafts and because of it, their socio-economic condition is being changed gradually, she said adding that Bangladesh has become a role model of development.

If everything is ok, Bangladesh would be turned into Smart Bangladesh by 2041, a mission and vision of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

Senior officials of PKSF, executive chief of SKS Foundation Rasel Ahmed Litonaccompanied the MD during her visist.

After ending field visit, the MD also participated in the view exchange meeting with the officials of the PKSF run projects and SKS Foundation at the hall room of SKS Innthe afternoon and urged them to be more serious, dutiful and punctual to discharge their duties in a bid to reach the benefits of the project to the doorsteps of the common people to have a better society.

In reply to a query, an official of SKS Foundation said the objective of her visit was to see how much the fortunes of people in the project area have changed after joining the project being implemented by the foundation with the financial support of PKSF.

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