• February 7, 2025, 11:21 am

A “Community Dialogue” for preventing Dengue in Bogura

Mamun-ur-Rashid, Bogura: 225 Time View :
Update : Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Uttering the Slogan “Ashun Shobai Mile Dengue Protirodh Kori”, District Information Office of Bogura arranged a “Community Dialogue” for building awareness for the motor labours of Bogura at Bogura Central Bus Terminal at Charmatha in Bogura on Wednesday noon.

The motto of the community dialogue is to make aware of the motor labours of the district for preventing dengue and the community dialogue was held with the assistance of District Bus, Mini-bus Somitee, District Motor Sramic Union, UNICEF, USAID.

The President of District Bus, Mini-bus Somitee Shah Akhtaruzzamna Duke presided over the Community Dialogue while Upazila Family Planning and Health Officer (UFPHO) of Sadar upazila Dr. Samir Hossain Mishu was present as the chief resource person.

The Chief Resource person said in his speech that all should be aware about the cleanliness of the surrounding areas of the bus terminal area and also advised to move immediately to hospital if anybody has been suffering from fever. He also advised the presence to eat liquid food, drink at least 2.5 to 3 litres of water so that they can prevent any kind of diseases.

Senior District Information Officer of Bogura Muhammad Mahfuzar Rahamn was present as the special guest while Word Counsellour-15 under Bogura Municipality Md. Aminul Islam, Labour leader Md. Shomsher Ali, Md. Fain Hossain, and others were present in the programme.

In the community dialogue, at least 120 labours of Bus, Mini-bus Labours union and Motor Labours were present.

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